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RockNRor enhances game trading capabilities

Although empires.dat (cf AGE3) contains all trade-related configuration values, AOE/ROR only supports trading with docks.

RockNRor fixes hardcoded parts of the game so it is possible to use other units than trade boats to trade, and use other units than docks to use as trade target :

  • Trade target unit can be another unit than dock

  • Trade deposit unit (drop site) can be another unit than dock

  • Trade target and deposit (drop site) can be different units ! For example, you can trade goods at market and bring them back at trade workshop.

To configure trading with other units, here are the main directions for AGE3 configuration

  • Trade target unit : set resource storage type=9, enabled=0, amount=0.

  • Trading unit : set resource capacity=the amount of "paid" resource in one trip.

  • Trading unit : set drop site = the building where you wish to deposit (bring back) traded goods

  • Trading unit (Actions) : add an action 111(trade), unit=the "trade target unit"above, resIn=9=trade goods, resOut=3=Gold.

  • Trading unit : set Interface Kind (Command ID in older versions)=5 (trade units).

  • Trading unit : make sure attack graphic is -1 (none). This impacts AI players.

  • Trading unit : set Default task (convert herd in old AGE3 versions) to the task index that corresponds to "Trade" (111).

  • There is no restriction on unit class ! However using "trade boat" or "trade cart" class is strongly recommended. If you use a "military" unit class, AI player units may have strange behaviour and even attack.

    • To have AI players actually use their units to trade, you must use the "trade boat" class.

Remark : the "trade goods" value is unique for each player, which means trading simulaneously with docks and with your custom unit will impact the same "trade goods" counter (the value you can see when selecting a dock unit).

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